A thick and cold beverage made from blended raw fruits, vegetables, ice, honey, yogurt, milk and nuts.
Thandai Smoothie Recipe
Thandai is made with nuts and spices which give us an instant boost of energy, helps improving immunity and digestion. Thandai is a rich drink; loaded with flavors and nutrients. It helps you to be active throughout the vrat day.
Ragi Banana Smoothie Recipe
Ragi Banana Smoothie has high amounts of fibre that will keep your stomach full and stop you from unwanted cravings. It reduces your appetite and thus you don’t feel hungry often.
Pear Spinach Smoothie Recipe
Pears contain many antioxidants like vitamin C and chlorogenic acid. Antioxidants seek and neutralize average cell-harming free radicals that can destroy cells or turn them into cancer cells. Pears are an excellent source of fiber. Dietary fiber can aid to prevent constipation, helping to make your bowel movements easier to manage.
Dragon Chia Smoothie Recipe
Dragon fruits are rich in vitamins including vitamin C, B1, B2 and B3, calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. They are also a good source of fibre, protein and omega essential fatty acids.
Green Ginger Smoothie Recipe
Spinach is high in vitamin A which helps our skin and mucous membranes to repel various kinds of bacteria and viruses effectively. Moreover, this vitamin is necessary for sebum production to keep hair moisturized. Vitamin A is good for the growth of all bodily tissues, including skin and hair. So load up on more greens to reduce the risk of hair loss and infections.
Lemon Turmeric Chia Smoothie Recipe
A healthy breakfast drink made with bananas, fresh lemon zest, curd, chia seeds and turmeric!
Soy Banana Smoothie Recipe
Soy milk, a healthy nutritious drink, made from soybeans that are soaked, ground and boiled with water. Soy is a great source of essential fatty acids, fiber, vitamins, proteins, and minerals.
Dragon Fruit Smoothie Recipe
A glass of Dragon Fruit Smoothie contains nutrients which can give your immune system a boost and defend your body against germs and bacteria and free radicals. These nutrients can play a role in gradually repairing cell damage, resulting in a more youthful appearance.
Mix Fruit Smoothie Recipe
Loaded with fruits, this Mixed Fruit Smoothie is a must try during summer time. A refreshing blend of fresh fruits like strawberries, bananas and guava, this smoothie recipe is enough to make your summer days delightful.
Spinach Banana Smoothie Recipe
A green smoothie is a smoothie that is blended with fresh leafy green vegetables, such as collard greens, kale or spinach. Some people also use fresh green herbs such as mint or parsley in their green smoothies.
Watermelon Refreshing Smoothie Recipe
Watermelon is incredibly hydrating (up to 92% water!) and is naturally low-fat. Make this melon a part of your daily diet and you will reap amazing benefits that range from improving cardiovascular health to nourishing your eyes and revving up your immune system.The health benefits of watermelon include prevention of kidney disorders, high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, heart diseases, heat stroke, mascular degeneration.
Peachy Creamy Smoothie Recipe
Peaches are low in calories (100 g just provide 39 calories), and contain no saturated fats. Nonetheless, they are packed with numerous health promoting compounds, minerals, and vitamins.
Cocoa Spinach Mocha Recipe
A hot cocoa spinach drink during the cold winter months, you can indulge in this craving happily. Both cocoa & spinach are rich in antioxidants such as Magnesium, Iron, Chromium and Zinc, all of which are beneficial in detoxifying and cleansing the body.
Berry Smoothie Recipe
Berries are tiny, tasty, and tantalizingly colorful – and they're also powerful allies for your health, protecting everything from your head to your heart. What makes berries so special is their high levels of phytochemicals - those naturally occurring nutrients that help protect cells from damage.
Apple Banana Smoothie Recipe
Apples are a good source of fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants. Studies suggest that apples may protect against osteoporosis and Alzheimer's disease. Apples may help prevent lung, breast, colon and liver cancer. Apples have been shown to lower cholesterol, help manage diabetes,and help with weight loss.
Flaxseed Grapes Oats Smoothie Recipe
The health benefits of grapes include their ability to treat constipation, indigestion, fatigue, kidney disorders, macular degeneration, and prevent cataracts.
Chia Curd Power Glass Recipe
This Chia Yogurt Bowl is packed with fiber, low in sugar,and is the perfect breakfast to fuel you for the day! This Chia Yogurt Power Bowl recipe is one of our favorite things to prep at the beginning of the day. you will love having this healthy, fibrous, nutrient-dense snack on hand at all times.
Apple Pecan Smoothie Recipe
Pecan nuts are fiber-packed, they promote colon health and facilitate regular bowel movements. Pecan nuts prevent constipation and reduce the risk of hemorrhoids and colitis by cleaning out the gastrointestinal system.
Mango Pineapple Smoothie
Pineapples contain a good level of several B vitamins which propel your brain to function better and boost your ability to deal with stress efficiently. Manganese, which is abundant in pineapples, is a key co-factor boosting the creation of enzymes that a responsible for production of energy within your body.
Spinach Cocoa Smoothie Recipe
Everyone loves cocoa powder. When kids are fussy to have veggie smoothie then Spinach Coco Smoothie Recipe is the best option to try. It is easy to make, full of nutrition and a great way to hide the veggies & fruit from the fussy child.
Oat Banana Smoothie Recipe
A serving of ½ cup of dry oatmeal contains 150 calories, which is less calories than a couple of slices of bread. It is rich in fiber, which contributes to feeling full long after you’ve eaten it. The best thing about incorporating oat in a smoothie is that it provides so much texture and smoothness to the beverage.
Apricot Mango Smoothie Recipe
Apricots are healthiest and even considered as superfood due to its high nutrient profile. It is quite dense in nutrients that make it adorable for any health conscious people. Even it’s taste is loved by everyone.
Peachy Protein Smoothie Recipe
The health benefits of peach fruit include relief from hypokalemia, cancer, obesity, cholesterol, blood stasis, and neurodegenerative diseases. It helps in eye care, skin care, maintaining a healthy nervous system, bones, and teeth.
Papaya Pineapple Smoothie Recipe
Pineapple is full of amino acid tryptophan that your body uses to produce serotonin - the “happy hormone”. Getting enough amino acid, along with other nutrients like vitamin B is essential to keep your neurological system up and running smoothly - for enough energy and positive mood hormones. Papaya is good for all yours digestive problems too.
Banana Blueberry Soy Smoothie Recipe
Bananas and Blueberries are terrific superfoods that can help you and your family fight off infections and diseases, as well as improve your overall well-being.
Strawberry Kiwi Smoothie Recipe
Kiwi’s high level of potassium helps keep our electrolytes in balance by counteracting the effects of sodium. Kiwi’s high vitamin C content along with other antioxidant compounds has been proven to boost the immune system.
Pineapple Smoothie Recipe
Pineapples are a storehouse of several health benefits due to their nutrients. They contain bromelain, protein, carbohydrates, sugar, and soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. The vitamins in these fruits include vitamin A, vitamin C, beta-carotene, thiamin, vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamin B6, and folate. Minerals like potassium, copper, manganese, calcium, sodium, and magnesium are also found in pineapples. These tropical fruits are low in calories and are, therefore, a major part of weight loss diets.
Kale Green Tea Smoothie
The nutrients in kale can help boost well being and prevent a range of health problems.It contains fiber, antioxidants, calcium, and vitamin K, among others. Even the chlorophyll in kale may have health benefits.Kale is high in fiber and water. Both of these help prevent constipation and promote regularity and a healthy digestive tract.
Pumpkin Coconut Smoothie Recipe
Pumpkins are packed with carotenoids, helping to protect your cells against free radical damage. Like carrots, this orange fruit is rich in beta-carotene, as well as alpha-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin. After consuming beta-carotene, for instance, your body converts it into vitamin A, all while boosting overall immune function.
Carrot Smoothie Recipe
Carrots contain vitamin C, an antioxidant. This helps boost the immune system and prevent disease. Vitamin C can help reduce the severity of a cold, and the length of time it lasts. The antioxidants and phytochemicals in carrots may help regulate blood sugar.
Orange Vanilla Smoothie Recipe
Oranges are low in calories and full of nutrients, they promote clear, healthy, skin and can help to lower our risk for many diseases as part of an overall healthy and varied diet.
Banana Ginger Smoothie Recipe
There are umpteen benefits of banana that is should make you include the sweet and delicious fruit in your diet today itself. A single piece of banana is said to contain only 90 calories, which also makes it a great and healthy.