Sesame Seeds

These seeds from the sesame plant have a nutty flavor. The husked ones are called white sesame and the un-husked are black. They are widely used in Indian, Chinese, Japanese and Korean cooking.

With a crunchy texture and a nutty taste, they are added to many dishes for the extra flavor. Sesame seeds are tiny flat oval seeds and come in a variety of colors: white, yellow, black and red. Sesame seeds are the oldest known oilseed and have the highest content of oil than any other variety of nuts.

Sesame seeds are drought tolerant and are able to grow where most other seeds aren't able to.

Oats Laddu Recipe

Oats might help reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels and control appetite by causing a feeling of fullness. Oat bran might work by blocking the absorption from the gut of substances that contribute to heart disease, high cholesterol, and diabetes.

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Sesame Paneer Veggies Recipe

Sesame Paneer Veggies Recipe - A powerhouse of protein and calcium, paneer is also enriched with properties which is known to promote weight loss by increasing the fat burning process in the body. Paneer is an abundant source of protein as well which is beneficial for our health.

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Marie Biscuit Energy Bar Recipe

Sesame seeds are a good source of energy due to the high fat content. They contain healthy fats like polyunsaturated fatty acids and Omega-6. They also contain fiber, iron, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus that helps boost energy levels.

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Golden Sesame Coin

Golden Sesame Coin - Bread discs topped with spicy potato mixture & sesame seeds. 

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Baby Corn Sesame Recipe

Baby corn is an excellent source of B vitamins. Baby corn provides folic acid, thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin. B vitamins contribute to digestion. Folates are also used in the amino acid synthesizing process.

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Non Fried Protein Cubes Recipe

When you feel that yours sprouts salad is too dry to eat then add this non fried creamy protein cubes/balls into yours salad. Easy to make, no oil, creamy and crunchy texture, highly nutritious cubes with salad is a must try.

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Sesame Bean Potato Salad Recipe

The sesame seed is rich in the essential minerals of copper, magnesium and calcium.  It’s important that your body get’s a regular dose of these minerals as they carry many health benefits. Copper is good for sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis while magnesium is good for helping those people with respiratory problems.

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Til/Sesame Chikki Recipe

Women who are facing anemia problem due to iron deficiency, they must include sesame seeds in their daily diet chart. The iron found in sesame can help prevent iron deficiency and boost low energy levels. And although copper deficiency isn’t as common, sesame seeds provide a good dose of the copper needed per day to maintain nerve, bone and metabolic health.

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Gurr (jaggery) ka Paratha Recipe

Jaggery is quite rich in its content of folate and iron and therefore it helps in the prevention of anemia. It also offers instant energy preventing weakness and fatigue of the human body.

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Green Beans Sesame Salad Recipe

Green beans are loaded with an easily absorbed type of silicon, which are important for the formation of healthy connective tissues and boosting skin health. 

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