Singhara Paratha Recipe

Paratha Vrat Treat

This flour is used to prepare foods for religious festivals, including Navratri. It is an allowed food during fasting days because it is not made of grain.


Singhara/Water chestnuts are a perfect food to form part of a healthy food during navratri fast. They are high in nutrients and low in calories and almost fatless. Half a cup of water chestnuts contains just 0.1 gram fat. All this makes them a healthy food option.

NOTE: If its difficult to roll, try using parchment paper. Place the dough ball between two sheets of parchment paper and gently roll/press by hands. Later take off the parchment paper from one side & place it on tava & take off upper side after placing on tava.

Recipe Category: Paratha
Recipe Cuisine: Indian
Total Time (Minutes): 20
Servings: 2
  • Singhara Aata - 1 Cup
  • Sendha Namak & spices - To Taste
  • Ghee
  • Mashed Boiled Potato - 2 to 3 small potatoes
  • Roasted Peanuts powder- Half Cup
  • Water - One fourth cup
  • Mix all ingredients (except water) well in a bowl.
  • Once mixed well, add water gradually & knead a stiff, smooth dough.
  • Roll out a paratha gently & cook on medium flame.
  • Serve hot with curd.