Raw Banana
Green bananas are very filling, largely because of their high fiber content. They are good for people with digestive and bowel problems. Raw bananas are a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals like potassium, vitamin C and vitamin B6.

Raw Banana Paratha Recipe
Bananas are packed with fiber, prebiotics, and probiotics, all of which help with digestion. Unripe bananas are one of the best foods for friendly and good bacteria. These bacteria live in the intestines, and when you consume green bananas, you will be able to achieve a healthier digestive tract and stomach.

Almond and Raw Banana Galawat Recipe
Green bananas contain a high content of resistant starch and short-chain fatty acids and various essential vitamins and minerals. These nutrients include potassium, dietary fiber and even a small amount of protein. A single medium-sized green banana contains 81 calories.